Last week I migrated north (my migration instinct is not working well) and arrived in Canada amidst the "Silly Season," otherwise known as Christmas. Tis the season of consumerism and materialism at its most obscene. Everywhere one goes one is bombarded by someone trying to sell you something, others trying to make you feel guilty, or others putting on a grand show of season cheer. This onslaught of the senses and emotions adds to the dis-ease of many. Many, who are already ensnared by other forms of dis-ease related to the false pursuit of the material. As I watch this insane engulfing people I cannot help but wonder where the much acclaimed "peace on earth" of this season is, because this barrage of the senses is a full frontal attack and has nothing to do with peace.
Shortly after I arrived, I was give a card by a dear friend. This card reads:
"Peace. It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the mist of these things and still be calm in your heart."
For me, this is the peace on earth. It is the peace and calm that comes from within. It is a peace that can watch this maddness of Christmas swirling around me and yet not be affected by it. It is a peace of knowing that this calm lasts all year around and not just at Christmas. It is a peace of knowing that what really counts is the inner voice of each of us. It is a peace that knows that the only real thing is the love radiating from your heart and flowing to ALL without judgement, labelling or competing. It is a peace that embraces ALL; human, animal, plant and mineral. This inner calm and peace is the real gift of the season to yourself, humanity, and to all others here on earth. It is this peace that you need to embrace and spread. This is the real "Peace on Earth."
May the peace of your inner knowing shine today, tomorrow, and everyday as you continue on your journey of experience and relearning on this temporary home called Earth.
Love and blessings,
Wawa Quilla
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Monday, October 31, 2005
As a teenager struggling to find myself the words of this poem had a big impact on me. Over the years I have often reread the poem and found wisdom within. May you too discover the truths therein.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons,
Be yourself.
You are a child of the universe,
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
Max Ehrmann, Desiderata, Copyright 1952.
Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons,
they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career,
Keep interested in your own career,
however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs;
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals;
and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself.
Especially, do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love;
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment
it is as perennial as the grass.
Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore be at peace with God,
Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be,
and whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy.
Max Ehrmann, Desiderata, Copyright 1952.
Love and blessings,
Wawa Quilla
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
This story was told to me by a very dear and special friend. May you find wisdom in its message!
Once upon a time there was a king of a grand and powerful kingdom. In his luxurious court he had many wise men and women who offered him counsel. Although he had great wealth, good health and all that he desired, he wanted to know the meaning of life. He commanded his wise people to tell him the meaning of life, but none could.
One day a humble elderly servant approached the king, saying he knew the meaning of life. The king became very excited and demanded to know. The servant said he would tell the king the meaning of life, but only under certain conditions. The king quickly agreed. The servant then said he would inscribe the words on the inside of a ring, but the king was not to read the inscription unless his life was in danger. The king readily agreed.
It came to pass a few years later, that the kingdom was attacked and the king was forced to flee for his life. As he fled the city on his trusty steed he was pursued by the enemy. The king had a head start on the enemy and road off toward the mountains. As he rode high into the mountains he came to a huge cliff with a gapping precipice and could go no further. As he sat there listening the hooves of the enemy, he remembered the ring. He quickly pulled the ring off his finger and read the inscription. It said, “This will pass.”
The king sat back in his saddle puzzled. Once more his attention was focused on the sound of the pounding hooves. To his surprise the sound seemed to be going away from him. His pursuers had lost his track and were heading of in another direction.
In the end the king’s army won the battle and the kingdom was restored. The king in deep gratitude made the humble servant his personal aide. In a short period of time the kingdom regained all of its former splendour and wealth. To celebrate the king ordered a grand parade with great shows of opulence and fanfare. As the king and his personal aide were riding through the streets of this rich kingdom, the aide turned to the king requesting that amidst this grandeur the king read again the inscription on the ring. The inscription read, “This will pass.”
Love and blessings,
Wawa Quilla
Once upon a time there was a king of a grand and powerful kingdom. In his luxurious court he had many wise men and women who offered him counsel. Although he had great wealth, good health and all that he desired, he wanted to know the meaning of life. He commanded his wise people to tell him the meaning of life, but none could.
One day a humble elderly servant approached the king, saying he knew the meaning of life. The king became very excited and demanded to know. The servant said he would tell the king the meaning of life, but only under certain conditions. The king quickly agreed. The servant then said he would inscribe the words on the inside of a ring, but the king was not to read the inscription unless his life was in danger. The king readily agreed.
It came to pass a few years later, that the kingdom was attacked and the king was forced to flee for his life. As he fled the city on his trusty steed he was pursued by the enemy. The king had a head start on the enemy and road off toward the mountains. As he rode high into the mountains he came to a huge cliff with a gapping precipice and could go no further. As he sat there listening the hooves of the enemy, he remembered the ring. He quickly pulled the ring off his finger and read the inscription. It said, “This will pass.”
The king sat back in his saddle puzzled. Once more his attention was focused on the sound of the pounding hooves. To his surprise the sound seemed to be going away from him. His pursuers had lost his track and were heading of in another direction.
In the end the king’s army won the battle and the kingdom was restored. The king in deep gratitude made the humble servant his personal aide. In a short period of time the kingdom regained all of its former splendour and wealth. To celebrate the king ordered a grand parade with great shows of opulence and fanfare. As the king and his personal aide were riding through the streets of this rich kingdom, the aide turned to the king requesting that amidst this grandeur the king read again the inscription on the ring. The inscription read, “This will pass.”
Love and blessings,
Wawa Quilla
She is sitting high on a mountain top on the bare ground connected to Mother Earth. Around her are piles of earth, boards, adobe bricks, and an assortment of building material. It is a barren spot with only a few hardy shrubs. Below her are the bright city lights. Above her is a bright half moon and stars twinkling blue, white and gold.
She sits on the cold ground in complete peace. She feels the connection to the Cosmos, to Mother Earth and to all that is. She feels this total connection to all deep in her heart and in the essence of her being. This feeling began as a tingling sensation in her physical body. It encompasses her whole body and then settles in the heart with an intensity that is almost too much for the physical. This feel in one of a pure intense love. A love that began as a spark then grew into a fire and then rages as a conflagration that radiates from her heart in waves. It grows and grows; expands and expands! There is a slight discomfort to the physical as the inner crystal energy of love flows out.
Once more she receives a quick flash of the 50 years of her life; the struggles, the difficulties, the happiness, the sadness, the joys, the gifts, and the blessings. Then from out of her inner being comes the words, “How can one person be so very blessed? Why has my whole life been so very blessed?” These words and this feeling are not new to her. They come often but always they come as if anew. She feels like she is about to burst with love, gratitude and blessings. She thinks and feels again, “How can one life be so very blessed?”
May you also feel you are blessed in all things.
Love and blessings,
Wawa Quilla
She sits on the cold ground in complete peace. She feels the connection to the Cosmos, to Mother Earth and to all that is. She feels this total connection to all deep in her heart and in the essence of her being. This feeling began as a tingling sensation in her physical body. It encompasses her whole body and then settles in the heart with an intensity that is almost too much for the physical. This feel in one of a pure intense love. A love that began as a spark then grew into a fire and then rages as a conflagration that radiates from her heart in waves. It grows and grows; expands and expands! There is a slight discomfort to the physical as the inner crystal energy of love flows out.
Once more she receives a quick flash of the 50 years of her life; the struggles, the difficulties, the happiness, the sadness, the joys, the gifts, and the blessings. Then from out of her inner being comes the words, “How can one person be so very blessed? Why has my whole life been so very blessed?” These words and this feeling are not new to her. They come often but always they come as if anew. She feels like she is about to burst with love, gratitude and blessings. She thinks and feels again, “How can one life be so very blessed?”
May you also feel you are blessed in all things.
Love and blessings,
Wawa Quilla
Friday, October 21, 2005
As I was being given the information for the article “What Does It Mean,” I was taken back to the year 1983. That year for me was incredibly significant, for it was in 1983 that my teenage vision of living and working overseas came true and my life as a wanderer came to be.
Before 1983 I was like other North Americans, I had a college degree, a good job, a secure and comfortable middle class life, and I took many things for granted. Unlike many North Americans, it was not enough for me. So, in the summer of 1983 I found myself in Nigeria as a volunteer. I guess like many others, I had an idealistic view of who I was and what my role would be in this poor country. I must say that those idealist notions did not last long. For when the initial romance and honeymoon period of exploring a new country was replaced with the reality of where I was, how long I would be there, and the conditions in which I would have to live finally hit, it was crash time.
I had been in the country about three months before I arrived at my new home. It just so happened that I was to be alone in my post, which was not standard policy for the organisation I was with, but that is what happened. It was when the Headmistress of the school took me to my house that the reality of everything hit me. I entered this three bedroom bungalow, with its army green dirty walls, dilapidated furniture, missing floor tiles, no water, sometimes electricity, dust, spider webs, and termites and then realised that this was would be my home for the next two years. When the Headmistress left, I sat in the middle of the dust covered living room floor and cried. The thought going through my mind was, “What have I done?” As the crying subsided, a voice spoke to me saying, “This is what you wanted. You have two choices, you can either go back home to your comfortable life or you can stay here and make the most it.” As I sat there I realised that yes, this is what I wanted to do. I got up from the floor looked around and thought, cloth for curtains.
This was the beginning of one the greatest times in my life. In that situation I learned how deal with running water for only one hour a day, electricity some of the time, creating menus around the limited supply of food in the local market, living on pennies a day (for I only received the equivalent of a Nigerian teacher’s salary), fitting into a completely different culture, teaching with extremely limited resources, and being totally alone to face it all. It was a time when my creativity and resourcefulness blossomed. It was also a time when I was happiest and felt the freest.
It was also a time when I learned the value of community and sharing. The village I lived in accepted me as part of them. This was especially evident when at one point the teachers in the state were not paid for three months that included me. As I waited to be paid and counted the dwindling supply of coins the community came to help. After the first month of no pay, I would find a tomato, a small amount of beans or rice, an egg, an onion or other small offerings of food on my door step each morning. One day, I asked the local chief why the people where doing this. For me, a western from an affluent country, this was a bit embarrassing. He told me that the people of the village knew I was alone and without family. The other Nigerian teachers had family to take care of them but I did not, so they were helping me as I was helping them in the school. I cannot tell you how I felt, the intense gratitude to these people who has so little. This great sense of community and sharing! This for me was the greatest gift that I have ever received, but also not the last gift I was to receive from these people who have so little. It is, but one of the many experiences I had during my two years in Nigeria.
When I left Nigeria and in later years when I had more lucrative jobs, I would often think of this time. The message always was that I was happiest when I had the least. This was brought back to me when in 1990, I was left with out a job, money and possessions due to the Invasion of Kuwait, but that is another story. When in 2001 I found myself back in Africa, this time in Ethiopia, the period of time I spent in Nigeria kept coming back. My situation in Ethiopia was totally different. I had a three bedroom house but this time with all the comforts of North America. And although, I loved Ethiopia and had a great job, something was wrong. What was missing was the simplicity of life. The adage of less is more kept coming back. In 2004 I left Ethiopia with only a back pack and now I am back to simplicity and much, much less. I am back to that state of happiness and peace where the material is no longer important. I have what I need at this moment and if for some reason should it all be taken for me, well so be it. It is only a few things nothing more. I know I can survive with little and I know I would be perfect content with that.
With this story of one my experiences, I hope you can see that less is more. We really can live with little and when the things we have accumulated do not clutter up our lives, we are able to focus on what is really important – our connection to the ONENESS in ALL THINGS! It is when we are without the distraction of protecting and holding on to the material that we see how beautiful simplicity really is.
Love and blessings,
Wawa Quilla
Before 1983 I was like other North Americans, I had a college degree, a good job, a secure and comfortable middle class life, and I took many things for granted. Unlike many North Americans, it was not enough for me. So, in the summer of 1983 I found myself in Nigeria as a volunteer. I guess like many others, I had an idealistic view of who I was and what my role would be in this poor country. I must say that those idealist notions did not last long. For when the initial romance and honeymoon period of exploring a new country was replaced with the reality of where I was, how long I would be there, and the conditions in which I would have to live finally hit, it was crash time.
I had been in the country about three months before I arrived at my new home. It just so happened that I was to be alone in my post, which was not standard policy for the organisation I was with, but that is what happened. It was when the Headmistress of the school took me to my house that the reality of everything hit me. I entered this three bedroom bungalow, with its army green dirty walls, dilapidated furniture, missing floor tiles, no water, sometimes electricity, dust, spider webs, and termites and then realised that this was would be my home for the next two years. When the Headmistress left, I sat in the middle of the dust covered living room floor and cried. The thought going through my mind was, “What have I done?” As the crying subsided, a voice spoke to me saying, “This is what you wanted. You have two choices, you can either go back home to your comfortable life or you can stay here and make the most it.” As I sat there I realised that yes, this is what I wanted to do. I got up from the floor looked around and thought, cloth for curtains.
This was the beginning of one the greatest times in my life. In that situation I learned how deal with running water for only one hour a day, electricity some of the time, creating menus around the limited supply of food in the local market, living on pennies a day (for I only received the equivalent of a Nigerian teacher’s salary), fitting into a completely different culture, teaching with extremely limited resources, and being totally alone to face it all. It was a time when my creativity and resourcefulness blossomed. It was also a time when I was happiest and felt the freest.
It was also a time when I learned the value of community and sharing. The village I lived in accepted me as part of them. This was especially evident when at one point the teachers in the state were not paid for three months that included me. As I waited to be paid and counted the dwindling supply of coins the community came to help. After the first month of no pay, I would find a tomato, a small amount of beans or rice, an egg, an onion or other small offerings of food on my door step each morning. One day, I asked the local chief why the people where doing this. For me, a western from an affluent country, this was a bit embarrassing. He told me that the people of the village knew I was alone and without family. The other Nigerian teachers had family to take care of them but I did not, so they were helping me as I was helping them in the school. I cannot tell you how I felt, the intense gratitude to these people who has so little. This great sense of community and sharing! This for me was the greatest gift that I have ever received, but also not the last gift I was to receive from these people who have so little. It is, but one of the many experiences I had during my two years in Nigeria.
When I left Nigeria and in later years when I had more lucrative jobs, I would often think of this time. The message always was that I was happiest when I had the least. This was brought back to me when in 1990, I was left with out a job, money and possessions due to the Invasion of Kuwait, but that is another story. When in 2001 I found myself back in Africa, this time in Ethiopia, the period of time I spent in Nigeria kept coming back. My situation in Ethiopia was totally different. I had a three bedroom house but this time with all the comforts of North America. And although, I loved Ethiopia and had a great job, something was wrong. What was missing was the simplicity of life. The adage of less is more kept coming back. In 2004 I left Ethiopia with only a back pack and now I am back to simplicity and much, much less. I am back to that state of happiness and peace where the material is no longer important. I have what I need at this moment and if for some reason should it all be taken for me, well so be it. It is only a few things nothing more. I know I can survive with little and I know I would be perfect content with that.
With this story of one my experiences, I hope you can see that less is more. We really can live with little and when the things we have accumulated do not clutter up our lives, we are able to focus on what is really important – our connection to the ONENESS in ALL THINGS! It is when we are without the distraction of protecting and holding on to the material that we see how beautiful simplicity really is.
Love and blessings,
Wawa Quilla
What do all the hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, droughts, volcanoes and prophecies mean? It means we have run out of time. Time in the linear sense, that we know it in this dimension. Time to stop this madness we call “progress”. Time, to take a good at our lives and see what really counts.
What really counts is the quiet still voice within that cries for attention, cries to be heard and acknowledged. The voice inside that says, “We are all one. We are all connected to ALL. Everything, including all those things that our minds cannot even begin to fathom, is all connected”. It is time to look and go beyond what we think is real, we think is important. It is time to gaze deeply and attentively into the obsidian mirror of our being and seek the truth that lies there.
How much longer do you think you can continue to live the LIE of so called “progress”? This progress that we calculate through expansion and the ‘grow or perish’ syndrome, which keeps us chained to meaningless work and uncontrolled consumerism. We have created a wildfire that is now burning out of control and is about to consume us. But there is still time!
Time to take a good look at your life! How much longer are you going to chase meaningless deadlines? Dead-lines! Look at that word closely, what do you see? Deadlines that only serve to make someone else rich, while keeping you trapped in the blindness of consumerism. How much longer are you going to buy the lie of progress? The lie that keeps you running in circles, chasing seemingly important shadows, buying more and more things that you do not need, and which keeps you from the truth. The lie, which has succeeded in polluting our waters, earth, air and our lives. The lie that keeps you from stopping, going within and reflecting on the meaning of it all. The lie that keeps you from realising the simple truths; less is more, harmony with all things and that joy, happiness and peace can only come from within.
This is what it means. Humanity has bought the lie of so called progress and the in the process we have destroyed our home-Earth. Now Mother Earth, Pachamama, Gaia, our home is saying, “Enough”. It is NOW the moment when we must change. Change our ways, change our thoughts, and change our lives. Mother Earth is only helping us to see that more clearly. Now is the time to stop the lie and to connect with the Creator within. Now is the time to peer deeply into the obsidian mirror of our being. All it takes is one step, but do you have the courage to take that step?
Love and blessings,
Wawa Quilla
What really counts is the quiet still voice within that cries for attention, cries to be heard and acknowledged. The voice inside that says, “We are all one. We are all connected to ALL. Everything, including all those things that our minds cannot even begin to fathom, is all connected”. It is time to look and go beyond what we think is real, we think is important. It is time to gaze deeply and attentively into the obsidian mirror of our being and seek the truth that lies there.
How much longer do you think you can continue to live the LIE of so called “progress”? This progress that we calculate through expansion and the ‘grow or perish’ syndrome, which keeps us chained to meaningless work and uncontrolled consumerism. We have created a wildfire that is now burning out of control and is about to consume us. But there is still time!
Time to take a good look at your life! How much longer are you going to chase meaningless deadlines? Dead-lines! Look at that word closely, what do you see? Deadlines that only serve to make someone else rich, while keeping you trapped in the blindness of consumerism. How much longer are you going to buy the lie of progress? The lie that keeps you running in circles, chasing seemingly important shadows, buying more and more things that you do not need, and which keeps you from the truth. The lie, which has succeeded in polluting our waters, earth, air and our lives. The lie that keeps you from stopping, going within and reflecting on the meaning of it all. The lie that keeps you from realising the simple truths; less is more, harmony with all things and that joy, happiness and peace can only come from within.
This is what it means. Humanity has bought the lie of so called progress and the in the process we have destroyed our home-Earth. Now Mother Earth, Pachamama, Gaia, our home is saying, “Enough”. It is NOW the moment when we must change. Change our ways, change our thoughts, and change our lives. Mother Earth is only helping us to see that more clearly. Now is the time to stop the lie and to connect with the Creator within. Now is the time to peer deeply into the obsidian mirror of our being. All it takes is one step, but do you have the courage to take that step?
Love and blessings,
Wawa Quilla
Friday, October 14, 2005
The mountains stand tall and firm,
Reaching towards the heavens
With their based deeply rooted in the earth.
A connection between the Cosmos and the Earth.
Deep within the heart of the mountain
The crystal heart beats and shines.
Now with the shifting, turning, changing times
We too must stand firm,
With our heads reaching towards the Cosmos
And our feet deeply rooted in the Earth.
Our crystal hearts the connection to All
sending out the message – LOVE!
Within each of us is a great transmitter.
A transmitter that for so long has been ignored
And scorned while favouring the mind.
This transmitter is beautiful and multifaceted.
It lies wrapped in the red beating heart
Like the centre of a lotus.
It is the crystal of light that shines with each one.
It is the essence of our being.
When infused with the infinite of love of all
Our crystal heart radiates likes a prism
All the colours of the rainbow
To all who come near.
Stand firm my friends
Be like the mountain.
But most of all connect to the infinite love of the Creator.
Let this infinite love flow through the crystal within
And transmit rainbows of love where ever you go.
Reaching towards the heavens
With their based deeply rooted in the earth.
A connection between the Cosmos and the Earth.
Deep within the heart of the mountain
The crystal heart beats and shines.
Now with the shifting, turning, changing times
We too must stand firm,
With our heads reaching towards the Cosmos
And our feet deeply rooted in the Earth.
Our crystal hearts the connection to All
sending out the message – LOVE!
Within each of us is a great transmitter.
A transmitter that for so long has been ignored
And scorned while favouring the mind.
This transmitter is beautiful and multifaceted.
It lies wrapped in the red beating heart
Like the centre of a lotus.
It is the crystal of light that shines with each one.
It is the essence of our being.
When infused with the infinite of love of all
Our crystal heart radiates likes a prism
All the colours of the rainbow
To all who come near.
Stand firm my friends
Be like the mountain.
But most of all connect to the infinite love of the Creator.
Let this infinite love flow through the crystal within
And transmit rainbows of love where ever you go.
Love and blessings,
Wawa Quilla
That tangled mix of attachment, memories and fears.
Things and objects that cloud the vision and enslave the soul.
Things and objects that clutter the cupboards, basements, garages and houses.
Things that some day will be needed.
Things that evoke memories – happy, sad, bittersweet.
Things used once then discarded in a heap.
Things one is so fearful of losing.
Innate objects defended with our lives.
They are but things.
How trapped we have become to these things!
How dependant we have become on these things for our identity!
But what happens when we lose them?
Do we lose our identity?
Do we lose our memories?
No, we have lost only things.
We still have our life, our spirit, our inner self.
What more do we need?
We come into this world without possessions and we leave it without possessions.
So, why do we collect, amass, and hoard so many things?
Why do we live in such great fear of losing those possessions?
When we move to the spirit world, will it matter how many things we had?
Will our material identity matter?
Or will the essence of our spiritual self be what counts?
Our love of all creation, our kindness, our generosity, our honesty and our connection to the Creator is all that will matter then.
Possessions trapping us in this illusion called reality!
Wawa Quilla
Thursday, September 29, 2005
This morning I was blessed and thankful for words of another, whose loving energy, reminded again of the great abundance in my life. And once more, I give thanks to the Creator for all.
How often do you give thanks to the Creator for all that you have in your life? We often give thanks for the immediate things in our lives, but have you considered giving thanks to all the unseen forces that bring these things into your life. For example, we give thanks for our food, but do not thank Mother Earth for the soil and her minerals that give nourishments in your food, for the farmers who grew the food, those who picked the food, those who transported it the market, those in the market who make the enticing displays, or the thousands of other people and resources that provide us with our daily nourishment. This kind thankfulness should be extended to all that you have in your life, your clothes, furniture, appliances etc.
Do you remember to give thanks to the Creator for the sun, rain, wind, air, and water? We take all of these for granted, especially air. We breathe in and out with little thought, but if it were taken away we would not live. The same goes for water and sunlight. We taken so much for granted and forget that these things are so important in our lives.
We also need to give thanks for all our experiences in life, for each of these is a learning experience. When we can learn to give thanks for even the difficult times, we soon realise that they are not so difficult after all.
When we start to give thanks for all that we have in our lives we see how abundant our lives really are.
A few years ago, I read a book that instructed one to sit down and make a "list of abundance". In this list one was to write down 200 things that one was thankful for in one's life. I looked at it and thought, "200, wow, that is a lot," but when I started to make my list I found myself filling pages. I realised how truly rich and abundant my life was. For about a year after, at the end of each day I would sit down and write 20 things I was thankful for that day. As time went on, I no longer needed to make a list, for I found myself during the course of each day silently giving thanks for the many things in my life. Each night before I go to sleep I give thanks to the Creator for another beautiful day and the many blessings that day held. This exercise now has become part of my daily life and as a result my life is filled to overflowing with abundance and thankfulness.
I do not own many things. Most of my possessions would fill two suitcases. I do not own a car, a house and do not have a job, but my life is abundant and blessed in ways too numerous to count. This is true abundance.
If you do not feel and see this great abundance in your life, try the "list abundance". Once you do, you will see how truly blessed and rich your life really is.
Love and blessings,
Wawa Quilla
How often do you give thanks to the Creator for all that you have in your life? We often give thanks for the immediate things in our lives, but have you considered giving thanks to all the unseen forces that bring these things into your life. For example, we give thanks for our food, but do not thank Mother Earth for the soil and her minerals that give nourishments in your food, for the farmers who grew the food, those who picked the food, those who transported it the market, those in the market who make the enticing displays, or the thousands of other people and resources that provide us with our daily nourishment. This kind thankfulness should be extended to all that you have in your life, your clothes, furniture, appliances etc.
Do you remember to give thanks to the Creator for the sun, rain, wind, air, and water? We take all of these for granted, especially air. We breathe in and out with little thought, but if it were taken away we would not live. The same goes for water and sunlight. We taken so much for granted and forget that these things are so important in our lives.
We also need to give thanks for all our experiences in life, for each of these is a learning experience. When we can learn to give thanks for even the difficult times, we soon realise that they are not so difficult after all.
When we start to give thanks for all that we have in our lives we see how abundant our lives really are.
A few years ago, I read a book that instructed one to sit down and make a "list of abundance". In this list one was to write down 200 things that one was thankful for in one's life. I looked at it and thought, "200, wow, that is a lot," but when I started to make my list I found myself filling pages. I realised how truly rich and abundant my life was. For about a year after, at the end of each day I would sit down and write 20 things I was thankful for that day. As time went on, I no longer needed to make a list, for I found myself during the course of each day silently giving thanks for the many things in my life. Each night before I go to sleep I give thanks to the Creator for another beautiful day and the many blessings that day held. This exercise now has become part of my daily life and as a result my life is filled to overflowing with abundance and thankfulness.
I do not own many things. Most of my possessions would fill two suitcases. I do not own a car, a house and do not have a job, but my life is abundant and blessed in ways too numerous to count. This is true abundance.
If you do not feel and see this great abundance in your life, try the "list abundance". Once you do, you will see how truly blessed and rich your life really is.
Love and blessings,
Wawa Quilla
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Friday, September 23, 2005
The time has come for each of us to take responsibility for our actions. Over the years we have given our personal responsibility for actions away to someone else. Mostly, we have given away our responsibility away to the government. We have come to expect the government to take care of us from cradle to the grave. When ever something goes wrong in our lives we are very quick to point a finger to someone or something else. We have become a people of "if only". If only this or that or someone would have done something things would be different. Everyone is to blame but our selves. We do not want to take any responsibility for our actions. We want someone else to fix things for us. We have agreed to be a society of victims. As a result societies have now found themselves totally trapped and dictated to by governments.
The Creator has given us the gift of freewill, but we as a society have chosen to give this gift way. It now time for us to reclaim this gift and to break free of the trap we have created. It is now time for us to take back our responsibility for our lives. The use of this gift means that we have an infinity possibilities of choices. We just have to realise this and break free of our limited vision. We have to realise that there are no right or wrong decisions. Each decision is only the decision of that moment. The decision is not right or wrong it only a decision and as such can be easily changed with another decision. But, with the use of our freewill also comes responsibility. When we make use of our power of choice, we also have to accept totally the outcome of these choices. We cannot blame anyone or anything for choices that do not have the outcome we desired. For example, if I choose to go riding my motorcycle without a helmet and I fall and hurt myself. That is my choice and I have to accept the consequences. I do not need some law to tell me what I should do. That is my choice.
At this moment in time with hurricanes battering the shores of the US, as well as other natural calamities striking elsewhere in the world, and the changes that these are going to bring to the world, we are being given a chance (or maybe I should say, we are being forced) to reclaim our freewill. We can choose to don the victim mentality and blame others, or we can choose to create a new life for ourselves. One based on integrity and self-empowerment. It is no use blaming ourselves or anyone else for the predicament we have gotten ourselves into, let the past go. Now it the time for breaking free of the trap that holds you victim and to reclaim your power and your freedom of choice. By reclaiming your freedom of choice, you will see you have an infinite choice of possibilities. It is time to see the bright crystal light within yourself and to take back responsibility for your life. Are you ready to accept this challenge?
Love and blessings,
Wawa Quilla
The Creator has given us the gift of freewill, but we as a society have chosen to give this gift way. It now time for us to reclaim this gift and to break free of the trap we have created. It is now time for us to take back our responsibility for our lives. The use of this gift means that we have an infinity possibilities of choices. We just have to realise this and break free of our limited vision. We have to realise that there are no right or wrong decisions. Each decision is only the decision of that moment. The decision is not right or wrong it only a decision and as such can be easily changed with another decision. But, with the use of our freewill also comes responsibility. When we make use of our power of choice, we also have to accept totally the outcome of these choices. We cannot blame anyone or anything for choices that do not have the outcome we desired. For example, if I choose to go riding my motorcycle without a helmet and I fall and hurt myself. That is my choice and I have to accept the consequences. I do not need some law to tell me what I should do. That is my choice.
At this moment in time with hurricanes battering the shores of the US, as well as other natural calamities striking elsewhere in the world, and the changes that these are going to bring to the world, we are being given a chance (or maybe I should say, we are being forced) to reclaim our freewill. We can choose to don the victim mentality and blame others, or we can choose to create a new life for ourselves. One based on integrity and self-empowerment. It is no use blaming ourselves or anyone else for the predicament we have gotten ourselves into, let the past go. Now it the time for breaking free of the trap that holds you victim and to reclaim your power and your freedom of choice. By reclaiming your freedom of choice, you will see you have an infinite choice of possibilities. It is time to see the bright crystal light within yourself and to take back responsibility for your life. Are you ready to accept this challenge?
Love and blessings,
Wawa Quilla
Last week I had the opportunity to visit a friend's farm about an hours walk from the village of Machu Picchu. It was a beautiful walk following the railroad line. On one side the sacred river of Wilkamayu rushed on it way to meet the mighty Amazon and on the other side the majestic mountains reach to the heavens. My friend's eco-farm is nestled in a valley between two streams that feed the Wilkamayu River. On the farm there are avocado, orange, lemon and bananas trees, potatoes, lettuce, onions and other vegetables. All these are grown organically; the fruits of Pachamama, Mother Earth, grown lovingly. All around the gardens the tropical rainforest teams with life.
After a healthy lunch from the fruits of the earth, I sat on a raise of land deep within the rainforest. As I sat quietly observing all around me, I was shown that the forest is the Great Spirit's example of how a community should be. Within the forest all beings live in perfect harmony. All beings have a purpose, and although they are different, they all join together to create a healthy environment that is in balance. Every single creature, from the bacteria, fungus, small plants, trees, insects, animals, and birds contribute to the well-being of the forest. They are all needed for their expertise. Each being contributes to the wellness of the whole. Within the forest there is no discrimination, jealousy, competition, or animosity. There is only harmony.
We, the two-legged creatures of the Earth, need to follow the teachings of the forest. We need to bury our differences and come together, each with our expertise to create a community of one, like the forest. We have to stop competing with one another and relearn how to work together to create a world of harmony and peace. This is not as difficult as it would seem, all we have to do is realise we are all the same. We are all created from the same source. The source of Divine Love. When we can see beyond the physical and see the crystal love energy within each of us, then we can come together to build a place of love and harmony. At that time, we will then become a part of the whole and join in harmony with Nature and encompass the One with the Oneness of All.
Love and blessings,
Wawa Quilla
After a healthy lunch from the fruits of the earth, I sat on a raise of land deep within the rainforest. As I sat quietly observing all around me, I was shown that the forest is the Great Spirit's example of how a community should be. Within the forest all beings live in perfect harmony. All beings have a purpose, and although they are different, they all join together to create a healthy environment that is in balance. Every single creature, from the bacteria, fungus, small plants, trees, insects, animals, and birds contribute to the well-being of the forest. They are all needed for their expertise. Each being contributes to the wellness of the whole. Within the forest there is no discrimination, jealousy, competition, or animosity. There is only harmony.
We, the two-legged creatures of the Earth, need to follow the teachings of the forest. We need to bury our differences and come together, each with our expertise to create a community of one, like the forest. We have to stop competing with one another and relearn how to work together to create a world of harmony and peace. This is not as difficult as it would seem, all we have to do is realise we are all the same. We are all created from the same source. The source of Divine Love. When we can see beyond the physical and see the crystal love energy within each of us, then we can come together to build a place of love and harmony. At that time, we will then become a part of the whole and join in harmony with Nature and encompass the One with the Oneness of All.
Love and blessings,
Wawa Quilla
Saturday, September 10, 2005
In one of my last writings I mentioned some of the things I have seen about the future. I do not tell I all I have seen in dreams, meditations or ayahuasca visions. I have a gift or is it? What ever it is, is not important. It just is!
Several years ago when I began in earnest on this path to self, I would often visit Ato Girma, an Ethiopian shaman, with his house perched on a hill about 3 hours drive outside of Addis Ababa. In our talks and in his seeing, he would often ask me, "Why do you willingly want to follow this path?"
My reply was always, "Ato Girma, I feel I have to."
He would then look at me with his dark brown eyes and sadness on his face and say, "Following this path is both a blessing and a curse. You can still walk away." But I knew I could not.
At the time I thought I had a good idea of what Ato Girma was telling but it was not until I went to Marcahuasi, high in the Andean mountains, did I fully understand what he was saying. Marcahuasi is located in the Central Highlands of Peru and is a table mountain of about 3 sq. km and at an altitude of 4,200 m above sea level. It is an incredibly magical place with gigantic rock sculptures, made by Nature or man, who is to say. The magic of Marcahuasi began for me the moment I arrived. After I greeted the spirit of the mountain and asked permission to enter with an offering of tobacco, I heard a voice very clearly say to me, "We have been waiting a long time for you." I was taken aback, for why would the mountain be waiting for me?
Over the next several days my friends and I explored the sculptures scattered all around the top of the mountain. Many of these formations had messages for me. Most of those messages were greetings, encouragement and connecting to the energy of the place. The last night there we did a special ceremony that lasted the whole night. It was during this ceremony that a huge rock formation called the Rock of Humanity called to me. I went over and sat with my back against it. The rock took me into its heart and began to download great amounts of information to me. In the hour or more that I was there I saw the whole of this period of life on earth flash before me. I was shown all the horror we have committed in the name of civilization and saw what is coming. With a great stream of tears running down my face I asked, "Why do I have to see all of this?" The answer that came was, "You cannot go forward until you face all of this. You cannot have wisdom without facing the pain. This is the way it is." After that message I was also shown what will come when earth has been cleansed of all the darkness. As I sat by the fire later, I recalled Ato Girma's works and knew what he was talking about. I was not consumed with fear or anxiety about the future. I knew that this was the way it was. I knew I had to be a light of love in world of darkness. I had to stand solid like the mountains and hold the love energy. At times I feel great pain and sadness, but it is because people do not see and continue to run around reacting to the outside world.
I could give you details of my many visions but what would it create? More fear and anxiety over the future. What is to come will come; it is all destined to happen as it is supposed to. The moral of this story is that we each much face our fears and over come them. We must all come to that place of peace and tranquillity within us. We all have it. No one can show us these fears or face them for us. It is something each of us has to do on our own. We all know the way if only we would listen to ourselves and not the many voices clamouring to show us the way. This is a journey that only you can take and no guru or master can show you. It is a journey of great courage and fortitude. It is a journey of commitment and regardless of what is shown or experienced it must be faced. The dark side is only a mirror of the light. Fear is only a reaction to something that may or may not happen. Most fears are created by an outside stimulus, that if you look at it carefully, has nothing to do with your life at this moment. If you are not willing to face the darkness in those fears, you will never see the true light. You will never overcome the fear that resides inside of you, blocking the light that is within. Once the fear is faced and seen for what it truly is, a reaction, it will disappear. The light cannot shine until you come face to face with the darkness and put it aside. When you do that it no longer has a hold on you and the only thing left is the crystal essence of your being shining for all the world to see
Stop running and reacting! That is only fear. Sit and face that fear. Let the light within shine!
Love Blessings,
Wawa Quilla
Several years ago when I began in earnest on this path to self, I would often visit Ato Girma, an Ethiopian shaman, with his house perched on a hill about 3 hours drive outside of Addis Ababa. In our talks and in his seeing, he would often ask me, "Why do you willingly want to follow this path?"
My reply was always, "Ato Girma, I feel I have to."
He would then look at me with his dark brown eyes and sadness on his face and say, "Following this path is both a blessing and a curse. You can still walk away." But I knew I could not.
At the time I thought I had a good idea of what Ato Girma was telling but it was not until I went to Marcahuasi, high in the Andean mountains, did I fully understand what he was saying. Marcahuasi is located in the Central Highlands of Peru and is a table mountain of about 3 sq. km and at an altitude of 4,200 m above sea level. It is an incredibly magical place with gigantic rock sculptures, made by Nature or man, who is to say. The magic of Marcahuasi began for me the moment I arrived. After I greeted the spirit of the mountain and asked permission to enter with an offering of tobacco, I heard a voice very clearly say to me, "We have been waiting a long time for you." I was taken aback, for why would the mountain be waiting for me?
Over the next several days my friends and I explored the sculptures scattered all around the top of the mountain. Many of these formations had messages for me. Most of those messages were greetings, encouragement and connecting to the energy of the place. The last night there we did a special ceremony that lasted the whole night. It was during this ceremony that a huge rock formation called the Rock of Humanity called to me. I went over and sat with my back against it. The rock took me into its heart and began to download great amounts of information to me. In the hour or more that I was there I saw the whole of this period of life on earth flash before me. I was shown all the horror we have committed in the name of civilization and saw what is coming. With a great stream of tears running down my face I asked, "Why do I have to see all of this?" The answer that came was, "You cannot go forward until you face all of this. You cannot have wisdom without facing the pain. This is the way it is." After that message I was also shown what will come when earth has been cleansed of all the darkness. As I sat by the fire later, I recalled Ato Girma's works and knew what he was talking about. I was not consumed with fear or anxiety about the future. I knew that this was the way it was. I knew I had to be a light of love in world of darkness. I had to stand solid like the mountains and hold the love energy. At times I feel great pain and sadness, but it is because people do not see and continue to run around reacting to the outside world.
I could give you details of my many visions but what would it create? More fear and anxiety over the future. What is to come will come; it is all destined to happen as it is supposed to. The moral of this story is that we each much face our fears and over come them. We must all come to that place of peace and tranquillity within us. We all have it. No one can show us these fears or face them for us. It is something each of us has to do on our own. We all know the way if only we would listen to ourselves and not the many voices clamouring to show us the way. This is a journey that only you can take and no guru or master can show you. It is a journey of great courage and fortitude. It is a journey of commitment and regardless of what is shown or experienced it must be faced. The dark side is only a mirror of the light. Fear is only a reaction to something that may or may not happen. Most fears are created by an outside stimulus, that if you look at it carefully, has nothing to do with your life at this moment. If you are not willing to face the darkness in those fears, you will never see the true light. You will never overcome the fear that resides inside of you, blocking the light that is within. Once the fear is faced and seen for what it truly is, a reaction, it will disappear. The light cannot shine until you come face to face with the darkness and put it aside. When you do that it no longer has a hold on you and the only thing left is the crystal essence of your being shining for all the world to see
Stop running and reacting! That is only fear. Sit and face that fear. Let the light within shine!
Love Blessings,
Wawa Quilla
I have been taught a simple technique by the shamans I have been working with here in the Andes for directing our focus and intention inward. It is a simple technique but does require a bit of practise. When you are in a meditative state roll your eyes upward towards your third eye. The trick is to hold that position. It helps at the beginning to picture a golden dot in your third eye and to focus on the dot. Later it becomes easy to just roll your eyes up and hold the focus. Once you have mastered this little technique you will be amazed at what you will see.
Love and blessings,
Wawa Quilla
Love and blessings,
Wawa Quilla
This past week has been an interesting one for me. The forces around me have been strong and they have been very insistent that I listen to what they are telling me. This is what they have been saying.
They are telling me that right now the forces of change are great. These changes are happening on two levels, so to speak, but that these two levels of changes are interlocked and really part of a whole. On one level the changes are in the physical world. This is very evident if one pays attention to the news and various other sources of information going around the Internet. We are seeing storms of great intensity, droughts, and fires, we are seeing plane crashes, we are seeing rips appear in the government control structure and we are seeing an increase in the global power struggle. I am being told that these changes are only the beginning and that frequency and intensity of these are increasing. I have been shown a black oozing mass flow from cracks in the earth and have been told to watch the dragon and bear (this I have told for many years but the message now is stronger). I am being told that this is only cleansing and purifying. But more importantly I am being told that it is happening so that we can see the illusion of the material world and that we need to focus on the inner not outer world. We are being given a chance to face our fears head on and to overcome them.
These physical changes are happening together with an intensification of the Wave of Consciousness flowing over the earth. I was told that the intensification started to on July21 of this year and at that time we moved into a new cycle of knowing. It is very important at this time that we still the metal chatter and go within. We are going to be experiencing many things that are going to help us clean our inner house but we have to pay attention. We have to be still and we have to eliminate the fear in our lives.
The changes on the physical and spiritual levels work hand in hand. The earth is being cleaned and so are we. Through the earth changes all the illusions of the material world are being striped aside and at the same time by witnessing these changes we are being directed to focus on what is real. We are being directed to change our focus from outer to inner. We are being directed in drastic ways to realize that all we see in not all there is. We are being directed to see that reality lies within. What lies within is a dynamic and powerful crystal of love. I have seen this crystal within. It is the most beautiful sight to behold as it radiates the energy of pure unconditional love. When one can see and feel this crystalline energy within themselves, all the outer things and happenings are no longer important. We see them for they are; an illusion of control and fear.
Change is happening, the pace is quickening, nothing will remain untouched. The Universe is unfolding. Go within for it is there that you will find love. That is the only answer you need. It is also the Divine responsibility of all of us to access this love and to hold this love energy in these times of change. It is those of us who know this energy that have to radiate it and let it flow to others. Many are awakening as the Wave flows over all and they need us to hold the energy for them as they learn to deal with it. By holding and radiating this energy others will feel it and respond to it.
There is nothing to fear, all is happening for a Divine purpose.
Love and blessings,
Wawa Quilla
(Written August 27, 2005)
They are telling me that right now the forces of change are great. These changes are happening on two levels, so to speak, but that these two levels of changes are interlocked and really part of a whole. On one level the changes are in the physical world. This is very evident if one pays attention to the news and various other sources of information going around the Internet. We are seeing storms of great intensity, droughts, and fires, we are seeing plane crashes, we are seeing rips appear in the government control structure and we are seeing an increase in the global power struggle. I am being told that these changes are only the beginning and that frequency and intensity of these are increasing. I have been shown a black oozing mass flow from cracks in the earth and have been told to watch the dragon and bear (this I have told for many years but the message now is stronger). I am being told that this is only cleansing and purifying. But more importantly I am being told that it is happening so that we can see the illusion of the material world and that we need to focus on the inner not outer world. We are being given a chance to face our fears head on and to overcome them.
These physical changes are happening together with an intensification of the Wave of Consciousness flowing over the earth. I was told that the intensification started to on July21 of this year and at that time we moved into a new cycle of knowing. It is very important at this time that we still the metal chatter and go within. We are going to be experiencing many things that are going to help us clean our inner house but we have to pay attention. We have to be still and we have to eliminate the fear in our lives.
The changes on the physical and spiritual levels work hand in hand. The earth is being cleaned and so are we. Through the earth changes all the illusions of the material world are being striped aside and at the same time by witnessing these changes we are being directed to focus on what is real. We are being directed to change our focus from outer to inner. We are being directed in drastic ways to realize that all we see in not all there is. We are being directed to see that reality lies within. What lies within is a dynamic and powerful crystal of love. I have seen this crystal within. It is the most beautiful sight to behold as it radiates the energy of pure unconditional love. When one can see and feel this crystalline energy within themselves, all the outer things and happenings are no longer important. We see them for they are; an illusion of control and fear.
Change is happening, the pace is quickening, nothing will remain untouched. The Universe is unfolding. Go within for it is there that you will find love. That is the only answer you need. It is also the Divine responsibility of all of us to access this love and to hold this love energy in these times of change. It is those of us who know this energy that have to radiate it and let it flow to others. Many are awakening as the Wave flows over all and they need us to hold the energy for them as they learn to deal with it. By holding and radiating this energy others will feel it and respond to it.
There is nothing to fear, all is happening for a Divine purpose.
Love and blessings,
Wawa Quilla
(Written August 27, 2005)
Today I was sitting and gazing at the mountains, enjoying a beautiful mountain day with brilliant sunshine. My mind drifted in and out of the present. Some of what drifted in was the fact that so many adults take themselves so seriously. This becomes even more evident when one pays attentions to the news or reads websites like Rumour Mill News. So I want to a pose a question to you. When was the last time you let yourself totally and completely give in to having fun? Just enjoying a space of time with complete abandonment? My guess would be it's been a while. I would like to share with you some of my experiences over the last month while I was visiting my family in Canada.
I come from a large family and have several grown up nieces and nephews as well as several great-nieces and nephews. I love them all very dearly and we are very close. As I have been a gypsy for over 20 years I do not get to see them very often but when I do my time with all of them is very precious. One niece lives very near to her parents and her two kids come over often. JM is seven and is a Downs Syndrome and JW is four. These two kids think, and they are not far off, that I come to Canada just to play with them. We really do have the greatest time. I get on the floor with them build towers, race monster trucks, do puzzles, tumble, laugh and basically carry on like a kid. I love it and so do they. When I am playing with them, at their level not mine, I am a kid again and time, worries, cares and all else just totally disappears. The greatest part of this is that the rest of my family, those adults with all the worries and cares, do not think it is strange or weird that a fifty year old is there playing just as intensely and with the same abandon as the youngsters. My greatest joy was when JW would phone asking, if he could come and play. When was the last time a four year old called you and asked to come over to play? I also give the same attention and time to the teenagers. Only we do things with a little less abandon. But we still lay on the floor or in bed and talk about what is really important in their world or compare drawings or talk about their dreams, the night kind. We laugh and carry on like teenagers. They too phone and ask when I am coming over.
We as adults have forgotten how to have FUN! We are so serious about everything. These little star beings can teach us so much, especially to just enjoy ourselves in the moment. Their greatest gift is to show us to do what we feel like doing and not worry what others will think. They just do and enjoy it. So go out and dance in the rain celebrating the cleansing energy that it brings. Go skinny dipping in a cool mountain stream. Skip down the street because you are happy. Smile at strangers. Roll in the grass. Most of all laugh just because.
Every where I have roamed in the world, I have always found these star beings who keep me young and who remind me not to take things so seriously and to just have FUN.
Wawa Quilla
August 2005
I come from a large family and have several grown up nieces and nephews as well as several great-nieces and nephews. I love them all very dearly and we are very close. As I have been a gypsy for over 20 years I do not get to see them very often but when I do my time with all of them is very precious. One niece lives very near to her parents and her two kids come over often. JM is seven and is a Downs Syndrome and JW is four. These two kids think, and they are not far off, that I come to Canada just to play with them. We really do have the greatest time. I get on the floor with them build towers, race monster trucks, do puzzles, tumble, laugh and basically carry on like a kid. I love it and so do they. When I am playing with them, at their level not mine, I am a kid again and time, worries, cares and all else just totally disappears. The greatest part of this is that the rest of my family, those adults with all the worries and cares, do not think it is strange or weird that a fifty year old is there playing just as intensely and with the same abandon as the youngsters. My greatest joy was when JW would phone asking, if he could come and play. When was the last time a four year old called you and asked to come over to play? I also give the same attention and time to the teenagers. Only we do things with a little less abandon. But we still lay on the floor or in bed and talk about what is really important in their world or compare drawings or talk about their dreams, the night kind. We laugh and carry on like teenagers. They too phone and ask when I am coming over.
We as adults have forgotten how to have FUN! We are so serious about everything. These little star beings can teach us so much, especially to just enjoy ourselves in the moment. Their greatest gift is to show us to do what we feel like doing and not worry what others will think. They just do and enjoy it. So go out and dance in the rain celebrating the cleansing energy that it brings. Go skinny dipping in a cool mountain stream. Skip down the street because you are happy. Smile at strangers. Roll in the grass. Most of all laugh just because.
Every where I have roamed in the world, I have always found these star beings who keep me young and who remind me not to take things so seriously and to just have FUN.
Wawa Quilla
August 2005
There is power and energy behind all our thoughts and thus words, but when we can get beyond the thought is where the power lies. That is where the essence of our being is. It is finding that place between the thoughts that we become free and connected to the essence that is All.
Through our social conditioning we are taught to think. But what really is that thinking process that we have been taught to be so valuable. It is a way of labelling things and with this labelling comes, judgement. We look at a situation or anothers actions and immediately pass judgement. We look at the situation of a person and we think in terms of good or bad or in our mind we have some running commentary. It is such a habit or conditioned response that often we do not even realize that we are doing it.
But when we actually look at the words or thoughts that we have, we can see that they are also our own interpretation of things. When we say that something or someone is good or bad, what does it really mean? When we use the word love or tree, do we all have the same image in mind? No, these words are all subjective. We each imagine them based on our personal experiences and conditioning. Therefore, what has one meaning for one has another meaning for someone else.
We are so busy thinking, labelling and judging that we are really cluttering up our attention. Eckhart Tolle, in Stillness Speaks, sums this up by saying,
How easy it is for people to become trapped in their conceptual mind.
The human mind, in its desire to know, understand, and control mistakes opinions and viewpoints for the truth. It says: this is how it is. You have to be larger than thought to realize that however you interpret your life or someone elses lie or behaviour, however you judge any situation, it is no more than a viewpoint, one of many possible perspectives. It is no more than a bundle of thoughts. But reality is one unified whole, in which all things are interwoven, where nothing exists in and by itself. Thinking fragments reality-it cuts it up into conceptual bits and pieces.
The thinking mind is a useful and powerful tool, but it is also limiting when it takes over your life completely, when you dont realize that is only a small of aspect of the consciousness that you are:
It is when we can get to that place where our thoughts do not dominate our lives that we can gain awareness. When we can listen with our eyes, and not label each and everything we see, that true is revealed. Within this state of attentiveness we discover truths and who we are. It is what Krishnamurti terms the interval between thoughts that we become freed from the conditioning that creates judgements. Krishnamurti says, It is only when the mind is not giving continuity to thought, when it is still with the stillness that is not induced, that without causation it is only then that there can be freedom from the background. This is the place we are looking for, that stillness without thought. This is the state of heightened awareness. It is a place, were we are in tune with our higher selves and the inner voice within us. It is a time when we are truly in communication with the Divine spirit with in us. This is spiritualism. As Eckhart Tolle says, Spiritual Awakening is awakening from the dream of thought.
Krishnamurti, J. The Book of Life. Harper Collins, San Francisco 1995
Tolle, Eckhart. Stillness Speaks. Namaste Publishing, Vancouver 2003
Wawa Quilla
Through our social conditioning we are taught to think. But what really is that thinking process that we have been taught to be so valuable. It is a way of labelling things and with this labelling comes, judgement. We look at a situation or anothers actions and immediately pass judgement. We look at the situation of a person and we think in terms of good or bad or in our mind we have some running commentary. It is such a habit or conditioned response that often we do not even realize that we are doing it.
But when we actually look at the words or thoughts that we have, we can see that they are also our own interpretation of things. When we say that something or someone is good or bad, what does it really mean? When we use the word love or tree, do we all have the same image in mind? No, these words are all subjective. We each imagine them based on our personal experiences and conditioning. Therefore, what has one meaning for one has another meaning for someone else.
We are so busy thinking, labelling and judging that we are really cluttering up our attention. Eckhart Tolle, in Stillness Speaks, sums this up by saying,
How easy it is for people to become trapped in their conceptual mind.
The human mind, in its desire to know, understand, and control mistakes opinions and viewpoints for the truth. It says: this is how it is. You have to be larger than thought to realize that however you interpret your life or someone elses lie or behaviour, however you judge any situation, it is no more than a viewpoint, one of many possible perspectives. It is no more than a bundle of thoughts. But reality is one unified whole, in which all things are interwoven, where nothing exists in and by itself. Thinking fragments reality-it cuts it up into conceptual bits and pieces.
The thinking mind is a useful and powerful tool, but it is also limiting when it takes over your life completely, when you dont realize that is only a small of aspect of the consciousness that you are:
It is when we can get to that place where our thoughts do not dominate our lives that we can gain awareness. When we can listen with our eyes, and not label each and everything we see, that true is revealed. Within this state of attentiveness we discover truths and who we are. It is what Krishnamurti terms the interval between thoughts that we become freed from the conditioning that creates judgements. Krishnamurti says, It is only when the mind is not giving continuity to thought, when it is still with the stillness that is not induced, that without causation it is only then that there can be freedom from the background. This is the place we are looking for, that stillness without thought. This is the state of heightened awareness. It is a place, were we are in tune with our higher selves and the inner voice within us. It is a time when we are truly in communication with the Divine spirit with in us. This is spiritualism. As Eckhart Tolle says, Spiritual Awakening is awakening from the dream of thought.
Krishnamurti, J. The Book of Life. Harper Collins, San Francisco 1995
Tolle, Eckhart. Stillness Speaks. Namaste Publishing, Vancouver 2003
Wawa Quilla

The journey began the moment I was born.
Born in struggle,
Knowing it was a journey ALONE.
Knowing it was a journey of PURPOSE.
A journey of CONNECTION.
A journey destined to spread calm, love and light.
This journey commenced amidst struggle, strife and challenges.
A brother departed for another dimension.
A mother's grief lead to alcoholism.
A father's love strong but at a loss of what to do.
A younger brother filled with anger and pain.
But in the centre of the storm the voices calmed.
The moon, the stars, the trees, the animals were friends and allies.
Then in the teens a voice of divine purpose showing the way.
The way became clear.
The direction there.
The gypsy had arrived.
The four corners of Mother Earth beckoned.
The call was answered.
Africa, Egypt, India, the Middle East, the Far East, Europe,
the World.
Experiences gathered.
Love and light spread.
No questions asked.
The path was followed.
Gradually, gently and persistently the focused changed.
A divergent path was shown.
A path that required the ultimate test of faith.
A path revealed in the darkness of night,
in the dark bitter brew
in the Mother of All Plants,
Madre Ayahuasca.
This way required a break with all.
It shattered the illusion of career, security, social conditioning.
All vestiges of "normal".
It insisted on drastic action.
Facing the questions, fears, insecurities head on
a contract was terminated,
possessions were dispersed,
a bag was packed and an airline ticket was purchased.
A new destination awaited - Peru.
The land of mountains, llamas, panpipes, Incas, mystics,
Lake Titicaca and Machu Picchu.
Cusco, the centre of the Ican World.
Machu Picchu, the mystical ceremonial site high in the mountains.
These were the destinations.
But what to do there?
What to seek?
Absolute trust in a vision and a purpose lead the way.
Slowly the purpose strengthened.
Slowly the doors were presented.
Slowly the crystal heart opened.
Contact was made with the spirits.
The spirits of the Apus, Pachamama, Mama Quilla, the Cosmos,
the condor, the hummingbird, the plants, the trees and the wind.
A knowing and communing with the Oneness Of All things.
The journey was long.
The trust was strong.
A journey to the coming home.
Coming home to the connection with ALL.
Coming home to the true self, to the power within.
Coming home to the absolute knowing all was well.
The journey continues.
Destination -- where the spirit leads.
May each of you have the strength to follow the voice within.
Blessings Wawa Quilla
Born in struggle,
Knowing it was a journey ALONE.
Knowing it was a journey of PURPOSE.
A journey of CONNECTION.
A journey destined to spread calm, love and light.
This journey commenced amidst struggle, strife and challenges.
A brother departed for another dimension.
A mother's grief lead to alcoholism.
A father's love strong but at a loss of what to do.
A younger brother filled with anger and pain.
But in the centre of the storm the voices calmed.
The moon, the stars, the trees, the animals were friends and allies.
Then in the teens a voice of divine purpose showing the way.
The way became clear.
The direction there.
The gypsy had arrived.
The four corners of Mother Earth beckoned.
The call was answered.
Africa, Egypt, India, the Middle East, the Far East, Europe,
the World.
Experiences gathered.
Love and light spread.
No questions asked.
The path was followed.
Gradually, gently and persistently the focused changed.
A divergent path was shown.
A path that required the ultimate test of faith.
A path revealed in the darkness of night,
in the dark bitter brew
in the Mother of All Plants,
Madre Ayahuasca.
This way required a break with all.
It shattered the illusion of career, security, social conditioning.
All vestiges of "normal".
It insisted on drastic action.
Facing the questions, fears, insecurities head on
a contract was terminated,
possessions were dispersed,
a bag was packed and an airline ticket was purchased.
A new destination awaited - Peru.
The land of mountains, llamas, panpipes, Incas, mystics,
Lake Titicaca and Machu Picchu.
Cusco, the centre of the Ican World.
Machu Picchu, the mystical ceremonial site high in the mountains.
These were the destinations.
But what to do there?
What to seek?
Absolute trust in a vision and a purpose lead the way.
Slowly the purpose strengthened.
Slowly the doors were presented.
Slowly the crystal heart opened.
Contact was made with the spirits.
The spirits of the Apus, Pachamama, Mama Quilla, the Cosmos,
the condor, the hummingbird, the plants, the trees and the wind.
A knowing and communing with the Oneness Of All things.
The journey was long.
The trust was strong.
A journey to the coming home.
Coming home to the connection with ALL.
Coming home to the true self, to the power within.
Coming home to the absolute knowing all was well.
The journey continues.
Destination -- where the spirit leads.
May each of you have the strength to follow the voice within.
Blessings Wawa Quilla
- From Jitterbug Perfume by Tom Robbins
"Many of my friends have asked what it is I am doing here in Peru. The following is my best attempt at an explanation. The spirit world and its workings are very simple but very difficult to explain from the perspective of the 3-D world.
The simple explanation is that I am expanding my mind and enlarging my soul/spirit by connecting to the world of spirit that is in all things. From the day I was born I have been connecting to the spirit world only I did not always see or understand it. But now I see clearly how my whole life experience has lead me to this moment. Now more than ever I know, without a doubt that everything happens for a reason. Our spirit self knows what it needs to do but only when we listen to it and have the courage to follow it, does it reveal itself in all of its beauty, magic and mystery. Each and every one of us have all this power within us but we have been conditioned from birth not to listen to the voice within. It is the conditioning that keeps us trapped and on the treadmill running endlessly pursuing outside gratification when really if we stopped, sat quietly preferably in Nature and listened we would hear the voice that tells us we are strong, powerful, beautiful, and a part of the oneness of all. In doing so our lives would change so drastically and so perfectly that we would wonder what took us so long to figure it out. Once a person has expanded the mind to accept all things and enlarged the soul to encompass all things, everything is simple, clear and easy. The balance and the beauty of all things are there to see, feel, and know. It is also there for us to use and command. I do not use the word command in the sense of ordering the Universe to do our biding but rather in the sense of asking with authority. The catch is that it cannot be taught or gleamed from outsides sources it only comes from within. All that anyone outside of yourself can do is guide you to ways of looking within. The rest is up to you. Also it must be used for the higher purpose and the good of all humanity, otherwise we unleash a monster. It is this monster that we have already unleashed into the world. It is now time for all of us to work and refocus our energies on manifesting the beauty and power of the soul purpose for all of humanity."
Love and Blessings,
Wawa Quilla
- From Jitterbug Perfume by Tom Robbins
"Many of my friends have asked what it is I am doing here in Peru. The following is my best attempt at an explanation. The spirit world and its workings are very simple but very difficult to explain from the perspective of the 3-D world.
The simple explanation is that I am expanding my mind and enlarging my soul/spirit by connecting to the world of spirit that is in all things. From the day I was born I have been connecting to the spirit world only I did not always see or understand it. But now I see clearly how my whole life experience has lead me to this moment. Now more than ever I know, without a doubt that everything happens for a reason. Our spirit self knows what it needs to do but only when we listen to it and have the courage to follow it, does it reveal itself in all of its beauty, magic and mystery. Each and every one of us have all this power within us but we have been conditioned from birth not to listen to the voice within. It is the conditioning that keeps us trapped and on the treadmill running endlessly pursuing outside gratification when really if we stopped, sat quietly preferably in Nature and listened we would hear the voice that tells us we are strong, powerful, beautiful, and a part of the oneness of all. In doing so our lives would change so drastically and so perfectly that we would wonder what took us so long to figure it out. Once a person has expanded the mind to accept all things and enlarged the soul to encompass all things, everything is simple, clear and easy. The balance and the beauty of all things are there to see, feel, and know. It is also there for us to use and command. I do not use the word command in the sense of ordering the Universe to do our biding but rather in the sense of asking with authority. The catch is that it cannot be taught or gleamed from outsides sources it only comes from within. All that anyone outside of yourself can do is guide you to ways of looking within. The rest is up to you. Also it must be used for the higher purpose and the good of all humanity, otherwise we unleash a monster. It is this monster that we have already unleashed into the world. It is now time for all of us to work and refocus our energies on manifesting the beauty and power of the soul purpose for all of humanity."
Love and Blessings,
Wawa Quilla
Thursday, September 08, 2005
But not here.
But not physical.
Time, but no time.
Space, but no space.
Melding dimensions,
But no dimensions.
All changing,folding,
All ONE.
Wawa Quilla
But not here.
But not physical.
Time, but no time.
Space, but no space.
Melding dimensions,
But no dimensions.
All changing,folding,
All ONE.
Wawa Quilla
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Words cannot describe,
Knowing we are all the same,
Knowing we indeed do create our reality.
Knowing we are worrying and fretting about nothing,
Knowing there really is nothing.
Knowing that seeing the nothing and knowing the nothing is the path.
Knowing we create our reality moment by moment is the knowledge.
Knowing we can change our reality individually and collectively is the power.
Knowing a small shift in perception, a focus on the NOW, not reacting to past emotional stimulus, focusing on the love within-that means love yourself first, and projecting your wish with a clear intention, all of these change you, the world, the Universe. It is time to graduate to becoming one with nothing and everything.
This is what I know.
Knowing we are all the same,
Knowing we indeed do create our reality.
Knowing we are worrying and fretting about nothing,
Knowing there really is nothing.
Knowing that seeing the nothing and knowing the nothing is the path.
Knowing we create our reality moment by moment is the knowledge.
Knowing we can change our reality individually and collectively is the power.
Knowing a small shift in perception, a focus on the NOW, not reacting to past emotional stimulus, focusing on the love within-that means love yourself first, and projecting your wish with a clear intention, all of these change you, the world, the Universe. It is time to graduate to becoming one with nothing and everything.
This is what I know.
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