Friday, October 14, 2005


That tangled mix of attachment, memories and fears.
Things and objects that cloud the vision and enslave the soul.
Things and objects that clutter the cupboards, basements, garages and houses.
Things that some day will be needed.
Things that evoke memories – happy, sad, bittersweet.
Things used once then discarded in a heap.
Things one is so fearful of losing.
Innate objects defended with our lives.
They are but things.
How trapped we have become to these things!
How dependant we have become on these things for our identity!
But what happens when we lose them?
Do we lose our identity?
Do we lose our memories?
No, we have lost only things.
We still have our life, our spirit, our inner self.
What more do we need?
We come into this world without possessions and we leave it without possessions.
So, why do we collect, amass, and hoard so many things?
Why do we live in such great fear of losing those possessions?
When we move to the spirit world, will it matter how many things we had?
Will our material identity matter?
Or will the essence of our spiritual self be what counts?
Our love of all creation, our kindness, our generosity, our honesty and our connection to the Creator is all that will matter then.
Possessions trapping us in this illusion called reality!
Love and blessings,
Wawa Quilla