Saturday, March 04, 2006


For some time now I have been pondering the essence of our DNA. Deep within my centre of knowing there is a key here but one that, I sense, does not follow the lines of all that has so far been explained or discovered. I feel that in many ways we are once more being misled and lead down a garden path, so to speak.

I have read the theories of how we originally had more DNA, theories of alien manipulation of our DNA, the medical discoveries of how DNA plays a part in our human makeup, other theories of DNA harvesting and so on. But deep within my knowing I know there is more.

Recently this thread has been working its way into my knowing. We are told by scientists that we use only a tiny part of our brain, we are also told that we are only able to see and sense only a minute fraction of the matter that is around us, and we are told that most of the DNA within our bodies is junk DNA. I, for one, cannot accept that we have all of this within and it is useless and cannot be accessed. It is there, therefore it is meant to be used and it has a purpose. Is it among the remaining 80% of our brain, the 95% of our senses and the 95% of our DNA (all approximate figures) that the answers to all our questions are to be found? Is it here, in these unused portions of our being that lays the ability to transcend the physical, the ability for teleporting and telepathy, the knowledge of healing and the knowledge of all? I know that it is. That is why we are repeatedly told to go within for there all the answers are found. It is not in things outside us, our gurus, our leaders, our scientists, our rituals, our religions, and the all the other material trappings of this so-called 3-D world. It is all within.

What we see, feel and touch is really all an elaborate illusion of mind tricking us into thinking it is solid. We are trapped in it by believing it is solid and that this is all there is. It is our thoughts and mind that keep us from experiencing what lays beyond the illusion. We are trapped in the “I think therefore I am” framework. I have written before that thoughts create but thoughts also block. Thoughts which question, label, judge, compartmentalize and classify things block us from knowing. We use our thoughts through memory to experience this world. We cannot see, hear, feel or sense the other 95% of what is around us because it is blocked by our thoughts and memory bank of experiences which tells us it cannot be because we have not experienced it before. The mindless chatter of trivial things that keeps us away from our awareness of all the other great possibilities available to us.

When we stop the mind, open up to infinite possibility and are in a state of total awareness with no thought, no judgement and no labelling the most amazing things can happen. Let me share with you one personal example. In October 2004, I spent a night of pure magic on top Huayna Picchu mountain in Peru, a peak to the north of Machu Picchu. The following morning just after sunrise, my friend Kucho and I were sitting on a flat rock at the very top of the mountain. Kucho was lying next to me fast asleep in the warm sunlight and I was sitting cross-legged looking at the mountains in the near distance. I was in a state of no thought and completely relaxed in the moment, just observing. As I sat looking at the mountains, I felt a slight tingling running through my body, which I acknowledged but gave no thought. As I continued to gaze at the mountains they began to disappear. The only way I can describe what happened is to say that I saw or was aware of a pale green rain, which began above the mountain peaks, and as it slowly made its way down everything before me disappeared. A whole section of Andean mountains just disappeared. I sat for several moments watching, I cannot tell you how long I sat for in that state there is no time, but the instant I went to the mind and thought “Wow,” all the mountains returned. I have been shown the illusion of this world several times while in trance, but never, until that moment, had it happened in a totally present state. This is what we do not experience because the mind/thoughts block it from us, as it did as soon as I went into my thinking mind. Since then I have experienced the illusion of the 3-D world several times and always the moment I go back into thinking mode I find myself back in this 3-D reality. All of this is very hard to explain and unless one experiences them, very difficult for anyone to accept. All I will say in my defence is, it happens, of that I have no doubt. We are capable of these experiences but it is our thoughts, beliefs and fears that keep us from going there. But even more important than disappearing mountains and walking into other realities, what else could we do with this ability of changing realities? We really can change our reality! We can change the world we live in.

It is these experiences and knowing that 95% of our inner capacity is unused that gets me excited. It gets me excited because therein lies infinite possibilities. Our present limited mind and mental concepts cannot even being to imagine everything that is possible. Because we cannot fathom the possibilities that are waiting for us, we must let go of old outdated mental concepts and open up to what could be. It is not some outside force that we need to tap into, but the inner force that has the capacity to really transform our lives. The sad part is that many cling to this so-called solid world for fear of losing control. My question is, who is in control and who is being controlled? Fear holds so many back, the fear of the unknown, the fear of losing control, the fear of breaking out of the comfort zone, and I sense a fear of their own power. But if it is all an illusion, as I know it to be, then what really are we holding on to and why? Wouldn’t it be better to create a world without war, hunger, poverty, pollution and inequality? Create a world where we all live in peace, harmony, understanding and love or even more, a world of infinite possibilities.

No guru, method or practise can really teach this to anyone. At best the various methods and practises can provide some general guidelines, but we should not become a slave to these methods and practises. We need to be flexible and open and allow ourselves to explore the infinity of possibilities that await us. Each of us must find it ourselves by going within and being totally present and aware. Once you do find this source within you will not need to rely on anyone or anything for you will KNOW! Once you know that is all there is.

Love and blessings,
Wawa Quilla