Monday, November 10, 2008

Changing Our Perspective/Changing Our World

What do you see when you look at this dream world all around you? Do you see chaos, pain, suffering, anger, hatred, seperation, fear, greed? Or do you see love, brotherhood, understanding, unity? The outer world is a mirror for what lies deep within us. The outer world is all a creation of our prespective, for what we think we see, we will see. So as you look out onto the world pay attention to what you see and what your reactions are. For each of these reactions is mirror of your interior, your spirit.

As you drive from one place to another in your automobile, how often do you get upset or even angry at other drivers? Have you ever considered that these so called careless drives are only mirroring your own anger, frustration and irritation? We think it is a reaction to something outside of ourselves but really it is a reaction to what is within. Every time we get upset, even the slightest irritation, we do not see it all stems from the irritation we feel within ourselves and has nothing really to do with the game being played outside ourselves. It is all a symptom of our irritation at being seperated from our higherselves, our true spirit. For spirit does not get anger, it does not have to for it is perfect, whole, complete.

As you sit around talking with your friends how often do you blame the world leaders for the mess everything is in? Have you ever thought about sending blessings to these leaders? I have heard so many people all around the world blame George Bush for the woes of the world but no one thinks to bless him. Bless him, yes, for if it were not for some of the drastic policies initiated by his governement people would not be coming awake in such large numbers. I have been blessing George Bush and his fellow politicians for many years because I know they are helping the world wake up. By changing our persecitive from one of attack to one of love we change the whole creation. In this way we create a new world rather than continue the cycle of attack. All it takes is a change in our prespective.

As you walk this spiritual path of self-discovery, how many of you place your focus on the divine feminine or feminine aspects of your self or of a place? Why do people feel they need to counter the masculine energy of this planet with the direct opposite of it? Is this not just pulling everying in the other direction creating aother polarization? Is this not just another manifesation of "us" and "them"? What we need to focus on now, at this time, is "us" the perspective of "Oneness". It is only when we can see the oneness in all that we will end the polarization of seperation. As each of us focuses on seeing Oneness and the brotherhood that unites us will we end the wars, racism, sexism that divids us. All it takes is a perspective of unity.

As you look upon your family, friends and aquaintances do you have a running dialogue going through your mind? Are you looking at them thinking, "If only they would do this or that, or change this or that, they would be so much better off." "Why don't they get it or why don't they see what is happening"? As this running dialodge is cluttering up our minds we are totally missing what is really there. We are so focused on the outer manifestation of their ego selves we miss seeing the bright light that shines within each and everyone. We miss the opportunity to set our focus, our perspective, on what is the real self....the spirit within. We miss the opportunity to just love. When we can look at another human being and love them despite all the outer accouterments we are entraining our own inner love of self with their and changing them, and ourselves, at a level beyound the eye.

Changing this world into a new and brighter one will only come when we start to change our perspective. When we look at the mirror around us and decide that we no longer what to view the world through the perspective of seperation, fear, anger and begin to change how we view thing we will change the world. We can only begin with ourselves. If we do not see everyone as brothers and sister nor every experience as a mirror of our inner selves then we are not changing and cannot help any one else. The world around us is an illusion but an illusion we can use to help us reach the Heaven we are all looking for.

Love and blessings,
Wawa Quilla