Tuesday, October 25, 2005


She is sitting high on a mountain top on the bare ground connected to Mother Earth. Around her are piles of earth, boards, adobe bricks, and an assortment of building material. It is a barren spot with only a few hardy shrubs. Below her are the bright city lights. Above her is a bright half moon and stars twinkling blue, white and gold.

She sits on the cold ground in complete peace. She feels the connection to the Cosmos, to Mother Earth and to all that is. She feels this total connection to all deep in her heart and in the essence of her being. This feeling began as a tingling sensation in her physical body. It encompasses her whole body and then settles in the heart with an intensity that is almost too much for the physical. This feel in one of a pure intense love. A love that began as a spark then grew into a fire and then rages as a conflagration that radiates from her heart in waves. It grows and grows; expands and expands! There is a slight discomfort to the physical as the inner crystal energy of love flows out.

Once more she receives a quick flash of the 50 years of her life; the struggles, the difficulties, the happiness, the sadness, the joys, the gifts, and the blessings. Then from out of her inner being comes the words, “How can one person be so very blessed? Why has my whole life been so very blessed?” These words and this feeling are not new to her. They come often but always they come as if anew. She feels like she is about to burst with love, gratitude and blessings. She thinks and feels again, “How can one life be so very blessed?”

May you also feel you are blessed in all things.

Love and blessings,
Wawa Quilla