Thursday, December 15, 2005


Last week I migrated north (my migration instinct is not working well) and arrived in Canada amidst the "Silly Season," otherwise known as Christmas. Tis the season of consumerism and materialism at its most obscene. Everywhere one goes one is bombarded by someone trying to sell you something, others trying to make you feel guilty, or others putting on a grand show of season cheer. This onslaught of the senses and emotions adds to the dis-ease of many. Many, who are already ensnared by other forms of dis-ease related to the false pursuit of the material. As I watch this insane engulfing people I cannot help but wonder where the much acclaimed "peace on earth" of this season is, because this barrage of the senses is a full frontal attack and has nothing to do with peace.

Shortly after I arrived, I was give a card by a dear friend. This card reads:
"Peace. It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the mist of these things and still be calm in your heart."

For me, this is the peace on earth. It is the peace and calm that comes from within. It is a peace that can watch this maddness of Christmas swirling around me and yet not be affected by it. It is a peace of knowing that this calm lasts all year around and not just at Christmas. It is a peace of knowing that what really counts is the inner voice of each of us. It is a peace that knows that the only real thing is the love radiating from your heart and flowing to ALL without judgement, labelling or competing. It is a peace that embraces ALL; human, animal, plant and mineral. This inner calm and peace is the real gift of the season to yourself, humanity, and to all others here on earth. It is this peace that you need to embrace and spread. This is the real "Peace on Earth."

May the peace of your inner knowing shine today, tomorrow, and everyday as you continue on your journey of experience and relearning on this temporary home called Earth.

Love and blessings,
Wawa Quilla