Saturday, April 15, 2006


The tug-of-war of polarity and duality is part of our conditioning, education and training. It pulls us to and fro creating dissention and unbalance. Good-bad, light-dark, female-male, love-hate, right-wrong, weak-strong, us-them, right-left, up-down, peace-war, safe-dangerous, rich-poor, mine-yours, white-black and the list goes on and on. This polarity pulls us apart and keeps us from discovering the beauty of one. It traps us in judgement and labels that pull us to one side or the other of the polarity game. By being pulled to one side or the other, we then stand our ground defending and protecting that side of duality. We are right they are wrong. This is right that is wrong. But what is right and what is wrong? Are they not really part of the same thing? If there was no right would there be a wrong? No, for if we stopped thinking something was right or wrong both labels would disappear. The situation would just be. When we allow ourselves to let things just be, we become closer to oneness.

It is this place of oneness where we will find peace, joy and love. In oneness there is no separation or differences. We are one and everything is part of us. The part is the whole and the whole is the part. We are a part of the whole and we are the whole. It stands to reason then that the way we look and think about the world is really a reflection of how we look at our selves. If we see the world as a chaotic divided place then that is a reflection of what lies within. For what is within reflects without, which is the same principle as “as above so below”. When we change our thinking from the polarity of good or bad and us or them, replacing it with a knowing that we are infinite oneness with everything then it is easy to see that we are the Creator and the Creator is us. By ending the polarity within, we end the polarity without and in its place create space for tolerance, peace and love. The task of changing this polarized world begins with the inner place of self. When we change the inner self by acknowledging our oneness to everything, we then are changing the whole. In this way the collective consciousness changes and we create a peaceful loving place to live. The place for answers is not outside but inside, inside each of us and only we, ourselves, can change the inside.

Love and blessings,
Wawa Quilla